Why lead a simple life?

These are my top reasons for wanting to lead a simple life:

To decrease stress. There are so many triggers for stress. For me, I have noticed that when I am feeling more stressed because of pressures at work or from my family, I start to feel overwhelmed by smaller stresses. For example, after a long day at work I feel stressed by trying to get that last parking space outside the grocery store. I can feel overwhelmed by the choices facing me in the grocery store, and then later feel guilty and worried I spent too much as I succumbed to the ready meal and alcohol sections rather than sticking to my healthy economical eating plan of cooking from scratch.  By making life simpler I hope I will avoid the many everyday stresses that face us in modern life. 

My second main reason is to increase my happiness. By leading a simpler life, I hope to be able to do the things that make me feel happier. I hope I will use my time more effectively e.g., less time commuting and more time with my friends.

Another aim is to improve my health. This goes hand in hand with stress. Stress is a significant cause of poor physical and mental health. By embracing a simpler way of living I hope to make healthier choices. This will hopefully allow me and my family to be healthier, thereby reducing further stress of health appointments. 

I also hope by adopting a simpler way of life I will increase my wealth. Spending less, being in control of my finances, valuing what I do spend my money on. These are my financial aims. 

Finally, I hope to lower my impact on the environment. Fewer possessions, fewer journeys, less waste, and spending time on improving my immediate environment.